The new IBI

Since the bankruptcy of Sjælsø Gruppen in 2013, Mr Finn Birkjær has reclaimed the domain as well as the right to use IBI as a company name in Denmark. This is done on collaboration with the former director of IBI Denmark Mr Bent Friis Pedersen. The partnership between the two began as a friendship in 1982 and has since been close and productive.

The business plan is now, as it was prior to the Sjælsø merge, to explore a defined part of the market where an attractive yield can be achieved. Focus will be on the value chain and to be present where effort and risk corresponds to the return.

In our analysis of the market it is evident that development projects within housing poses a robustness that is not found in other sectors. Therefore, IBI will concentrate on housing projects in the larger Aarhus and Copenhagen area, as well as in Berlin, where demand and return is satisfactory.

In our analysis of the market it is evident that development projects within housing poses a robustness that is not found in other sectors. Therefore, IBI will concentrate on housing projects in the larger Aarhus and Copenhagen area, as well as in Berlin, where demand and return is satisfactory.

IBI will also take part in financial development of real estate projects, where we can receive part of the profit in return for financial guarantees and credits. This will be of interest where a comfortable security can match a high return.


IBI – Ikast Byggeindustri A/S was founded in 1972 by Mr Jens Nørholm Andersen, and was originally a traditional construction company with its own craftsmen employed. In the course of the 80’ies and 90’ies the company developed and expanded its group of owners to include Mr Bo Olesen. Mr Olesen influenced the company’s gradual development into focussing on turnkey contracts, employing subcontractors. IBI continued to advance, and in the end of the 90’ies a development department was founded, as the assignments grew larger. IBI concentrated on the retail market, where commercial chains in fast food, electronics, DIY construction markets and kitchen manufacturers were expanding massively, and thus experienced great growth in Scandinavia.

The group of owners was expanded once more in the 00’s to include Mr Morten Lykke, Mr Finn Birkjær and Mr Stig Göte, who each in their own manner added competencies to sustain and increase the growth. Mr Birkjær became CEO, and management could in 2005 look back upon some busy years with establishment of subsidiaries in Norway, Sweden, Finland and Poland, as well as the establishment of an IT-company. Not everything was equally successful; the Poland department was shut down and the IT company was sold, However, the growth and profits that followed made possible creating a company culture with room for innovation, new ideas and mistakes.

Focus was on retail, an industry which was booming. Here the company could offer locations and turnkey solutions for tenants and investors alike. IBI handled the entire process from the purchase of a plot, to regulatory permits, control of the construction process, negotiation of leases, financing and/or sale to investors. This turned out to be perfect timing. At the same time the properties, which had well established chains as tenants on long leases, could easily be sold to investors, who, with declining interest rate levels, attained attractive real estate investments. The target was that 80% of resources should be focussed on this key segment, and 20% could be allocated to new segments or markets.

Throughout history IBI has always made substantial and critical decisions, which has meant increased focus on key areas. As in the 80’ies when private costumers were rejected. This segment accounted for 30% of the turnover, but by this opt-out, focus could be concentrated on the areas with the best yield. As in the start 00’s where IBI began to develop their own projects in Denmark and Sweden, thereby loosing a large costumer in the turnkey department, as they became competitors. This client at the time accounted for between 40- 50% of the turnover. Or as in 2006 when it was decided to sell all shares in IBI to Sjælsø Gruppen in recognition that the company was unable to realize their pipeline on their own capital foundation.


Finn Birkjær

Finn Birkjær


+45 40 80 33 13
Skype icon finnbirkjaer

Bent Friis Pedersen

Bent Friis Pedersen


+45 40 10 95 60
+49 17 29 29 18 83
Skype icon bent.friis.pedersen


chairman of the board

Bent Friis Pedersen

member of the board

attorney Jørgen Brammer

member of the board

Finn Birkjær Nielsen


See IBI’s current and past projects

Bernhard Bangs Allé

As of April 1st 2015, IBI has purchased the property situated on Bernhard Bangs Allé 39, Frederiksberg. It is an office building which currently functions as a domicile for several smaller companies.
The property is located in a very attractive area, between the exclusive residential neighborhood “Femte Juni Plads” and the upcoming Flintholm-area, with many new residential and office projects. In the beginning of 2017 we will initiate the conversion of the property into student accomodation.

Svanekollegiet, Svanevej

Svanekollegiet er beliggende Svanevej 4, 2400 København NV, og er et kollegium i drift siden 2011 med 48 værelser. Tre ud af fem etager udlejes til udvekslingsstuderende fra Copenhagen Business School, og de tilbageværende to etager udlejes direkte til danske studerende. Alle boligerne er 1-værelses lejligheder med eget køkken og bad og depotrum, samt adgang til fællesfaciliteter som køkken, opholdsstue og tagterrasse. Kollegiet administreres af IBI.

Svanekollegiet har en central beliggenhed tæt på offentlig transport (Nørrebro station og den kommende metrostation), indkøbsmuligheder og har kort afstand til mange af de københavnske uddannelsesinstitutioner.
Se mere om svanekollegiet på


Lærkevej 11, 2400 Kbh NV

IBI has purchased the property on Lærkevej 11 i Copenhagen. We have constructed a builidng containing 79 student apartments, all with their own kitchenette and bathroom, and cozy common areas on all floors.

The property has been sold to Koncenton A/S, has sold the property to investors. Koncenton have rented the apartment out - for students only. Please contact Koncenton at if interested.

Landemærket, Promenadebyen

Landemærket er en del af Promenadebyen ved

Mesanen, Promenadebyen

Together with Raundahl & Moesby A/S, IBI has purchased almost 27.000 sqm. of land by Odense Harbour, the area called "Promenadebyen". The first building "Soldækket" is currently under construction, to be completed in February 2016. A construction permit has been given for the next building, "Mesanen", and a district plan for the remaining plot of land farthest from the habour ("BS2"), is underway.

Soldækket, Promenadebyen

Together with Raundahl & Moesby A/S, IBI has constructed the fourth building in Promenadebyen, Odense Harbour. The building is the fourth in Promenadebyen, and has been dubbed "Soldækket" (The Sundeck). Soldækket consists of 63 apartments ranging from 62 to 82 sqm, all with balconies or terraces. The apartments were ready for occupation in February 2016.

More information, pictures and floor plans can be found at (in Danish).

Bolsjefabrikken, Glentevej 10

Bolsjefabrikken er ungdomsboliger under opførelse på Glentevej 10, 2400 København NV. Ungdomsboligerne "Bolsjefabrikken" er opkaldt efter grundens tidligere formål, nemlig at huse bolsjefabrikken for "Nørregades Bolcher". Bolsjefabrikken har i generationer haft en stor betydning for området og dets beboere, hvoraf mange har arbejdet her. Efter at produktionen blev nedlagt her, fungerede bygningerne en overgang som koncert- og kulturhus. Bygningernes sørgelige forfatning fordrede dog til sidst en nedrivning, så der nu er skabt plads til nye og spændende boliger på Bolsjefabrik-grunden.

Boligerne er alle 1-værelses lejligheder med eget badeværelse og trinnette-køkken. I bebyggelsen findes der 67 lejligheder i fem etager (høj stueetage – 4. sal), hvoraf fire af disse er handikapboliger. Der er gode adgangsforhold med elevator og centralt trappetårn til alle etager. Vi har med dette projekt ønsket at skabe boliger, som i særlig grad appellerer til unge mennesker under uddannelse. Boligerne er velbeliggende, udført i materialer af god kvalitet som er lette at vedligeholde, og effektivt indrettet, så kvadratmetrene udnyttes optimalt. Dermed kan prisen for disse attraktive boliger også holdes på et fornuftigt niveau, som er tilgængeligt og realistisk for studerende.

Se mere på


In 2008 the company purchased two very attractively located properties in the central Berlin, situated on Kurfurstendamm and Uhlandstrasse. The two properties are mixed use, accomodation and business. The properties were bought on foreclosure. Since then, the buildings have been renovated and the mix of tenants have been optimized, thereby optimizing the operations of the properties. Both properties have from the beginning contributed positively to the company's profits.

Uhlandstrasse 134, 10623 Berlin The property consists of approx. 80% accomodation and 20% business (office and storage), and is 2.900 sq.m. In august 2013 the property was sold to a German investor, as we concluded that the remaining development potential in the property was long term.

Kurfürstendamm 115b, 10711 Berlin The property is designed by the Danish/French architect, Professor Heinrich Baller. It is built in 1994, and hold approx. 3.550 sq.m. of accomodation and office, distributed 40/60. The property was sold to an international investor on March 1st 2015, and IBI still has an office in the building.

Retortvej, Valby

Retortvej, Valby


Townhouses for sale in Brabrand, Aarhus

IBI is currently constructing 13 beautiful two-storey townhouses in the attractive neighborhood of the Aarhus suburd Brabrand. The townhouses are ready for their first residents in summer, and are now for sale. Please contact our local real estate agents for further information; Home Aabyhøj at 86152700. See the home page for the project for further visualisations and descriptions (Danish only): ...


"Landemærket" in Odense is for sale

The construction of "Landemærket" by the Habour in Odense is moving forward as planned, and now we have the pleasure of announcing that the property is up for sale. The sales process is handled by Colliers, and further material can be found at their website: Link to project site

Please do not hesitate ...


Construction permit for Bernhard Bangs Allé 39

IBI has today received a construction permit for the renovation of the property on bernhard Bangs Allé 39, Frederiksberg. The work will be initiated at once, and is expected to be concluded come 2018. The project will, when conclude, consist of 30 apartments, replacing the current offices in the building.


25. July 2016 -

The last concrete elements assebled at Mesanen more

04. April 2016 -

Rent an apartment in Soldækket more

04. April 2016 -

Lærkevej - status week 13 more

07. March 2016 -

"Mesanen" in Promenadebyen sold more

11. February 2016 -

Lærkevej status week 6 more

29. January 2016 -

Lærkevej - status week 4 more

20. January 2016 -

Moving in, in Soldækket more

18. December 2015 -

Merry christmas from IBI more

29. October 2015 -

36 apartments sold in Odense more

07. October 2015 -

Visit the test apartments at Soldækket more

23. September 2015 -

Digging and molding permit recieved on Lærkevej more

20. September 2015 -

Open house in Soldækket more

08. September 2015 -

Soldækket is now up for sale more

24. August 2015 -

IBI in EDC Erhverv more

10. August 2015 -

Press coverage in Fyens Stiftstidende more

09. July 2015 -

Soldækket, Odense - the construction site week 28 more

06. July 2015 -

Ground break at Lærkevej more

01. July 2015 -

The construction of "Mesanen" at Odense harbour has been initiated more

15. June 2015 -

Construction permit recieved on Lærkevej more

08. June 2015 -

Soldækket, Odense - week 23 at the site more

01. June 2015 -

The home page of "Soldækket" is online more

08. April 2015 -

Construction underway in Odense more

13. March 2015 -

New property on Frederiksberg more

15. December 2014 -

Demolition has begun at Lærkevej more

15. December 2014 -

Ground break in Odense more

15. December 2014 -

Status at Bolsjefabrikken more

06. October 2014 -

Visit Bolsjefabrikken's test apartment more

07. July 2014 -

IBI in the media more

03. July 2014 -

IBI Group A/S and Raundahl & Moesby acquires plot in Promenadebyen at Odense Habour more

01. May 2014 -

IBI erhverver Lærkevej 11 more

23. April 2014 -

IBI i gadebilledet more